Before and Afters

Mandi Crockett
Where: San Ramon, Ca
Project: Garage



Mandi's testimonial:

Where do begin? When my husband and I bought our first home more than 4 years ago we were ecstatic! We thought we would never need room for anything ever again because we could not possibly fill this house with our measly possessions. Well, so much for that thought. Living in this crazy world where stuff can sometimes overwhelm us, we discovered that being organized was not a dream but a necessity.

That is where Rebecca came in. I was literally so overwhelmed with my garage that I would avoid it entirely. I felt like I didn’t know where to start. I could never have conquered it without Rebecca holding my hand the whole time. First of all, just scheduling the time to make the organization process a priority was HUGE! I had never done that before. Then Rebecca taught me the skills I needed to categorize, purge and organize my stuff. It was so fascinating to see all that I had and didn’t need because I was finally able to see the big picture.
It wasn’t painful at all but it felt amazing to say I know where everything goes! I feel like the investment of hiring Rebecca has paid off in so many other ways. She truly gave me an education and now I’m using those ideas and skills in other areas of my house. I just cleaned out my closet in our home office and was amazed how the same basic steps we used in the garage worked there too. Rebecca is worth her weight in gold… and then some! She has just the right combination of practicality and sympathy. Thank you again Rebecca! It feels amazing to have such an organized space!

Lisa Barlow
Where: San Ramon, CA
Project: Daughter's Bedroom